Health and recovery

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a therapy with few side effects and low risk

Dremenia oxygen chambers for Parkinson's disease and vaccine damage

Through our empirical research, we were able to achieve extraordinary results in a very concise individual case. A user with Parkinson's disease suffered severe relapses and very strong muscle spasms as a result of the vaccination against Covid-19, which suddenly made a self-controllable everyday life impossible.

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Already after the first application in a 1.5 bar Dremenia Homecare HBO chamber, a reduction in muscle spasticity and an increased sense of and an increased sense of well-being. Between the next 14 and the daily use, the symptoms were reduced to such an extent that the user that the user was no longer dependent on caregivers and was able to caregivers and was able to walk on her own again. Because of the huge potential of HBO, we support any organisation that is support any organisation doing research in the field of hyperbaric research in the field of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and can provide us data. There are some very interesting studies going on at the moment which could help us to understand and present... and explain them. From our personal point of view, HBO will become a new a new "super-medicine" in Germany in the future.

In an ARD report by Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen, the 43-year-old the 43-year-old John described his experiences with the pressure chamber treatment.

He was the seventh patient in Germany and the first in Soltau, who was treated in the pressure chamber with oxygen on Long-Covid: "I felt like I was born again."

The study results presented here indicate a potential benefit of HBO therapy, with statistically significant significant results after 10 sessions.

Long Covid und HBO

The 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic has resulted in an increase in the number of people who have a wide range of persistent symptoms of persistent symptoms known as "long COVID". . The affected individuals are referred to as "long haulers" and the condition is also known as Long COVID, post-COVID 19 syndrome and post-acute COVID 19 syndrome.

Neurocognitive impairment and fatigue are two of the symptoms. Hypercoagulability, which increases the likelihood of blood vessel blockage, and an uncontrolled continuous inflammatory continuous inflammatory response are two possible reasons for these long these long-lasting, unremitting symptoms. Currently there is no known treatment for long COVID.

Long- Covid

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is one of the ways to reverse hypoxia, reduce neuroinflammation and induce neuroplasticity. In a case study entitled: " Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for long-Covid - A Case Report

the authors of the case study presented the first case report of a previously healthy athlete who developed a long-term COVID syndrome and was successfully syndrome and was successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Long COVID - what are the symptoms and how long does it last?

The term "long covid" or "long-Covid" refers to the symptoms of Covid-19 that last for weeks or months after the initial after the initial illness. Long Covid, according to the National Institute for Health National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as symptoms lasting longer than 12 weeks, while others consider symptoms that last longer than eight weeks are considered long covid. Long covid is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "usually usually 3 months after the onset of covid-19 with symptoms that have lasted persist for at least 2 months and cannot be alternative diagnosis".

Mehrplatzkammer Profi-Line PLM 152

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber for health

Your body's tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissues are injured, they need even more oxygen to survive. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used in clinics and medical centres for ligament injuries, COPD, covid, long-COVID, anxiety, autism, cancer, diabetic feet, Lyme disease, brain injuries, stroke, etc.

HBOT applications could have positive effects in the following cases:

  • Optimisation of the microcirculation
  • Activation and improvement of the lymphatic system
  • Activation of the drainage systems for the elimination of toxins
  • Oxygenation of the peripheral tissues
  • Improvement of the entire blood circulation
  • Improvement of cardiovascular functions
  • Improvement of the osteo-articular and muscular system
  • Anti-inflammatory effect on subcutaneous fat tissue
  • Acceleration of the recovery process in post-operative patients
  • Proven treatment of decompression sickness
  • If you or someone close to you has recently suffered tissue damage due to a stroke or inadequate blood flow to the brain, consider HBOT treatment to revitalise traumatised tissue and boost the production of new cells.
  • Revitalize tissues and stimulate the production of new cells.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Autism & Neurological Disorders

A complicating factor in autism spectrum disorders is the brain's lack of activity when stimulated by sensory or auditory stimuli. This is partly due to increased swelling in the capillaries of the brain. Because HBOT could reduce the swelling and deliver oxygen to poorly perfused areas, there could be the possibility of allowing a child with autism to achieve previously unattainable levels of speech, play and mental responsiveness. Hyperbaric chamber for stroke victims is also widely used.
Study on effects of HBO in children with autism

Traumatic injuries can cause muscle swelling and neurological problems, especially in people who have been damaged in car accidents, whiplash, falls or persistent obesity. Damaged blood vessels are also common by-products of such trauma, and complications can include non-healing wounds, infections and amputations.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy could improve the perfusion of damaged tissue with oxygen-rich blood and could induce the growth of new blood vessels, making it a valuable treatment option for patients with traumatic injuries.

Numerous studies and clinical trials have shown that HBOT applications can be effective in treating wounds that would not normally heal due to poor blood flow. The pure oxygen and increased air pressure can not only increase oxygen delivery to all damaged tissues, but also reduce excess fluid, improving blood flow to the damaged areas.

Diabetic foot ulcers (diabetic foot syndrome).

For people with diabetic foot ulcers, HBOT can mean the difference between being able to walk and being disabled for the rest of their lives.

According to one study, about 15% of people with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer in their lifetime.

Oxygen therapy can not only treat diabetic foot ulcers, but also prevent them from developing. Poor circulation and nerve damage are usually the causes that lead to ulcers, and saturating the bloodstream with oxygen allows the body to both attack and fight off nerve damage.

Oxygen therapy administered in conjunction with antibiotics could be a viable treatment plan for diabetics and help reduce the risk of wounds and the need for amputations. This is already common practice and Dremenia oxygen chambers are already being used successfully by various diabetes doctors and alternative practitioners - practices.