Rejuvenation, beauty and Anti-Aging

Scientists have found out that die Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can stop two important bolood processes and turn them over. wichtige Blutprozesse stoppen und umkehren kann, at denen allgemein angenommen wird, that sie dem Altern und verwandten Krankheiten zugrunde liegen: Verkürzung von Telomeren stoppen und diese wieder um bis zu 38% verlängern (Telomere sind an den Enden jedes Chromosoms gelegen. Schutzbereich) und die Ansammlung sogenannter seneszenter Zellen oder alternde Zellen im Körper, welche den Eigenschaften jungen Zellen unterlegen sind zu verhindern und gealterte Zellen zu revitalisieren.

The breathrough Previously, interventions such as lifestyle changes and strenuous exercise were shown to inhibit telomere shortening," added Amir Hadani of the Sago Center. With just three months of HBO treatment, he was able to lengthen telomeres in a way that far surpasses currently available interventions.

With this groundbreaking study, we have opened a door for further research into the cellular effects of HBOT and its potential to reverse the ageing process.

At the end of the high-pressure oxygen therapy, the blood of the subjects had up to 37 per cent fewer senescent cells were present in the subjects' blood. Senescent Cells are cells that have lost their ability to renew themselves by renew themselves through cell division. In addition the telomeres of the test persons lengthened by up to 38 percent. Telomeres are located at both ends of a chromosome and protect this region. this region. The natural ageing process actually causes telomeres telomeres become progressively smaller, but this could be reversed by the high reversed by high-pressure oxygen therapy. Professor Efrati: "For many years, our team has been involved with hyperbaric research and therapy treatments. Researchers all over the researchers around the world are trying to develop pharmacological and environmental interventions that enable telomere lengthening. We have succeeded in this with our HBOT protocol, which proves that the ageing process can actually be reversed at the cellular-molecular level."

Link to the article

The regular treatment of HBOT is said to increase skin elasticity and stimulate collagen production, resulting in a reduction of wrinkles and wrinkles and fine lines and improve skin texture. leads. HBOT promotes the formation of new collagen and new skin cells by stimulating the growth of new blood vessels and encouraging the cells to produce of vascular endothelial growth factor.

This improves in particular:

Dry skin

Combination skin

Wrinkles and fine lines

sallow skin

HBOT in combination with cosmetic surgery is an effective way to accelerate the healing process accelerate the healing process and shorten recovery time. HBOT accelerates the healing of patients undergoing facelifts, chemical peels, liposuction, breast reduction or augmentation. After HBOT, the stem cells, which are critical for repairing injured tissue, increase increase eightfold. Hyperbaric oxygen is a a safe way to alter the inflammatory process, to aid in wound healing. It reduces pain and swelling, inflammation in the tissues and has an anti-bacterial effect. Patients who had HBOT used in conjunction with cosmetic surgery cosmetic surgeries seem to have a faster healing process as well as better disappearance of scars. HBOT helps to reduce swelling and mild pain while the body with at least 15-20 times more oxygen than normal. than normal. For this reason, many doctors recommend HBOT to plastic surgery patients to help them recover more quickly after their cosmetic surgery procedures. We all need Oxygen to heal well. Did you know that 3 months of regular Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy prolongs life by about Life by about 25%? During HBOT the the oxygen level in the body tissues increases by 20 times above The normal value. This alters the oxygen levels in the body to is altered to promote the body's natural rejuvenation processes. promote.

Telomere shortening study by Tel-Aviv University HBO - Israel